New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday (January 3) visited the family of Delhi Fire Services personnel Amit Baliyan, who lost his life while fighting operations at a factory in Peeragarhi. The Chief Minister announced Rs 1 crore as compensation and a government job to the family of Baliyan. 


Baliyan died after he was trapped in debris while dousing blaze at a building in Delhi's Udyog Nagar area that caught fire on Thursday morning.

Sharing a tweet having Amit Baliyan's picture Kejriwal wrote, ''Amit Baliyan laid down his life while serving the people of Delhi. Nothing can bring back a loved one lost, but Delhi govt will provide his family with ₹1 crore as financial assistance. It's the least we can do as a society.'' 

Earlier on January 2, Kejriwal had condoled the demise of the fireman and expressed his grief over the incident. "It is with great sadness that I have to inform you that a fireman was martyred while saving people from fire. Our firemen save people by putting their lives at risk under extremely risky conditions. May his soul rest in peace,'' he tweeted. 

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The Chief Minister had also expressed concerns over the fire and had tweeted, "Very sad to hear this. I am closely monitoring the situation. Fire personnel trying their best. Praying for the safety of those trapped." 

A massive fire incident took place at a factory in west Delhi`s Peeragarhi area on Thursday (January 2). DFS personnel Amit Baliyan, succumbed to his injuries after he was trapped in the fire. A case has been registered at Paschim Vihar West Police station.

According to data from the last five years, two firemen lost their lives while firefighting in 2016, whereas three died in 2017 and one in this year.