Delhi reported 1,313 cases today, a rise of 42% compared to yesterday. The daily cases crossed 1,000 mark after a gap of 7 months. On Wednesday, the capital had seen  923 cases of coronavirus – a massive 86 per cent jump from Tuesday. This was also the highest number in over six months.


No fresh deaths were reported in the city.

On May 26, the national capital had reported 1,491 cases with a positivity rate of 1.93 per cent and 130 deaths. The positivity rate breached the one per cent-mark after a gap of seven months. As many as 496 cases were recorded on Tuesday and 331 on Monday.

The spike in daily cases in Delhi over the last few days comes amid a jump in Omicron cases in the city.

The death toll due to COVID-19 in the national capital stands at 25,107.

A total of 75,953 tests, including 68,590 RT-PCR ones, were conducted the previous day, the bulletin said.

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