I’m going to tell you exactly how to use fake pee for drug test success, giving you everything you need to know to pass. 


As well as all the general information you will need to understand drug testing, and why fake urine is a great option, I’m also going to do three synthetic urine reviews around the three five products.

I’ll explain the criteria for a great fake urine product that will pass a drug test. I will compare the best synthetic urine to the worst, and also tell you the worst five brands which will definitely fail your drug test.

I’ll give you full instructions for using fake urine for a drug test, explain the differences between the different products in terms of how you use them, and tell you some top tips that will help you to conceal the sample and ensure that it’s submitted within the correct temperature range.

So, this is not just a synthetic urine review, it is a complete strategy guide for using fake pee to pass a drug test.

Click Here To Buy The Best Synthetic Urine& Detox Products

The Different Types Of Urine Drug Test Complexity You Could Face

When people talk about facing a urine drug test, the information they send, and the assumption often received, is that it’s a single type of universal test for everyone. That’s not the case.

I will talk about the different types of scrutiny your sample will face in a moment, but it’s not a fit for all. The scrutiny could be different depending on suspicion, what’s found, or what’s been paid for.

Also, and this is crucial, is the fact that you are not going to face the same number of panels to detect drug use as someone you’ve heard about-faced.

The basic drug test is the five-panel test. That means your sample is tested against five (usually) physical panels to see if they react to 5 different types of drugs being present in the sample. But some companies now only do a four-panel test, because they have excluded cannabis. Other companies and organizations swap the cannabis panel for something else.

Therefore, you can have four panels all the way through to 10 panels in standard drug testing, and up to 12 panels for more advanced testing.

Any of these panels can be switched out for anything else that is detectable. So they could be switched out to look for nicotine (cotinine), alcohol, kratom, literally anything that the labs can detect.

So when people talk about a drug test, you cannot assume you’re going to face a certain type that looks for a fixed list of things.

Even for a basic pre-employment drug test, although you will probably face a five-panel drug test, you have no idea exactly what will be looked for option. If you have taken literally anything in the previous seven days and are now facing a drug test, then you have to work on the assumption it could be detected.

That’s why fake urine is the perfect solution. Because it isn’t your own pee it gets around the whole issue of looking for different substances. In effect, it doesn’t matter what’s looked for, because it won’t be there.

Three Types Of Drug Test Scrutiny Your Sample Could Face

To further show you why fake urine is a perfect solution, and gambling with your own (or someone else’s) is a ridiculous risk you don’t need to face, let’s talk about the levels of scrutiny drug samples face once you hand them over.

1. Temperature testing

Within two minutes of doing the sample, you have to hand it over and have the temperature tested. This is a legal requirement for a valid sample. They will check the temperature strip on the side of the cup you have just urinated into and record it.

Legally, that temperature has to be between 90°F and 100°F. Although human urine exits the body at around 97°F (and never above 100°F unless you’re incredibly ill), to allow for those two minutes of cooling, any sample of 90°F and higher is accepted.

2. Validity dipstick check

After the temperature has been recorded, at some stage after you have left, a validity dipstick check will be done on your sample. Literally, as it says, a dipstick will be placed into the sample, and it will be tested against the panel kit to see which panels (if any) react.

The validity dipstick check tests for the following issues with the submitted sample:

  • Ph range
  • Specific gravity range
  • Creatinine levels
  • Presence of biocide preservatives (rumored)
  • Checks for adulterants (such as nitrates)
  • Uric acid and urea levels (sometimes)

3. Immunoassay urinalysis

Once the sample has been checked for range temperature and it’s valid, as long as it’s passed those stages, it will go through an immunoassay analysis. This may sound impressive, but this is usually just your standard panel drug test.

So, your sample will be physically put onto different panels of a drug test kit, which is basically just a slightly more advanced version of the plastic ones you can buy. If anything reacts, then you will fail the test for the presence of that drug type above the cut-off level for a negative sample.

4. If your sample fails the immunoassay test, or it’s been commissioned to undergo a high level of scrutiny, then it will go through a full gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis on digital machinery. Literally, no adulterated sample, no fake urine product, can fool this level of analysis that checks the entire spectrum of what is in that sample in relation to the parameters of a real human sample.

These Are The Characteristics Of The Best Fake Urine Brands

Now I’ve explained a bit about when you should use fake urine, and the benefits of doing so, before we hit the reviews, let’s talk about the characteristics of the best fake urine so that you can understand why I’ve chosen these three as the top fake pee for drug test success products.

These are the minimum requirements to stand a good chance of passing a drug test:

  • Within human urine ph. range
  • Within the correct specific gravity range
  • Contain the right proportion of creatinine
  • Should contain right quantities of urea and uric acid
  • Must look like human urine
  • Cannot contain biocide preservatives
  • Needs reliable heat maintenance method in the fake urine kit

Now, those are the minimum requirements. Ideally, you want it more complex than that, even though the standard drug test doesn’t look for more than that.

The more complex it is, the more you have an insurance policy against more advanced validity checks, or some other unknown check being done on your sample.

Plus, it has to look like urine (obviously), but the most advanced products also smell and froth like urine because they contain the same albumin that human urine does.

This really can be a game-changer. There are examples online that I have seen where ex-lab assistants of talked about their jobs. They’ve stated that they can spot fake sample sometimes by holding them up to the light, or shaking them.

On top of all that, it needs a reliable heat maintenance method. You have to be able to get the sample within the correct temperature range and keep it there until you submit it.

Understanding The Biocide Preservatives Story

I just mentioned biocide preservatives. So what the hell are they, and why is it relevant for fake urine?

Biocide preservatives are found in a wide range of everyday products, including many beauty products. They basically do as they say, they are a chemical method of extending the shelf life of the product.

Some fake urine brands contain biocide preservatives. A few years ago, some brands of fake urine started suddenly spiking in failure rate.

These failures started to be widely talked about and discussed in knowledgeable groups online. People realized that there must be some common footprint the drug testing labs had potentially started testing for the presence of, and weren’t made public.

The suspicion fell on biocide preservatives because all the brands that starts to fail dramatically were found to contain them, while the brands that continued to slip under the radar didn’t contain that type of preservative.

None of the top five fake urine brands I’m going to recommend to you in the detailed reviews in a moment contain biocide preservatives.

Avoid These Low-Quality Fake Pee For A Drug Test

Before I move on to the top five synthetic urine reviews, I want to warn you away from five popular brands which are really not good enough to pass a modern drug test.

Apart from all being rumored to contain biocide preservatives, they simply do not even meet the minimum tick box criteria I just laid out for you above:

  • Urine Luck
  • Magnum urine
  • X Stream
  • Synthetix5
  • U Pass

The problem is that these are widely marketed, and they have a visible online positive review track record from years ago when drug testing wasn’t as advanced. This fools people into thinking they are both popular and can pass a drug test.

Also, they are widely available locally. Smoke shops and local stores in many countries will sell them because they are dirt cheap to buy and can be sold at a much higher price.

The Top 3 Best Synthetic Urine Brands 2022

Now you’re fully clued up on what makes the best synthetic urine, and when you can use it, let’s look at the top three best now. These are the three best synthetic urine products out there. I’ll explain exactly why, and compare them so you can decide which would work best for you.

Each of these synthetic urine reviews is enough for you to understand how they work, what the benefits are, and what the downsides are, and make a great decision on what you use to pass that important drug test.

1. Quick Luck - Hands Off The Best Synthetic Urine Kit

Top of the tree as Quick Luck. It has to be, for a variety of very key reasons.

Made by Clear Choice, it’s actually the updated formula of Sub Solution. Although Sub Solution is also updated annually, this is just a little more complex and more ready to be used quickly.

Overall, the snapshot characteristics of Quick Luck are:

  • Premixed for on-the-spot convenience
  • Looks, smells, and froths like real urine
  • Contains 14 chemicals found in urine
  • Perfectly balanced for ph. and specific gravity
  • Comes with a heat activator Powder
  • Even comes with a pair of high-quality heatpad

Whatever type of drug test you are facing, whatever complexity, and whatever the submission situation, Quick Luck is your best chance of passing.

It’s chemically complex. If you were going to make the best fake urine using the individual ingredients, it will cost you hundreds of dollars to get them together and mix them into the perfect balance that comes with Quick Luck.

There are far more than the basics here. Sure, it contains creatinine, urea, and uric acid. It’s balanced for pH and specific gravity, but it contains 11 other chemicals found in human urine to ensure you would pass more intense validity checks.

On top of that, is the fact it looks, smells, and even froths like urine. It contains albumin, which makes real urine froth so that you get that froth in the specimen cup when you pour it (top tip shake the vial of Quick Luck slightly to make it froth before tipping in – don’t overdo it though).

It comes with a pair of heatpads. These are really good quality ones as well. Thin and discreet, they kick out a steady heat. You can wrap them around both sides of the vial, to ensure a steady heat is pumped out into the sample evenly.

But you don’t really need to use them. They really are luxury items that you can chuck straight in the bin. The reason for that is the incredible heat activator powder that comes with both Quick Luck and Sub Solution. It’s completely unique to these two fake urine products.

The heat activator powder removes the need for a microwave, hot water, or heatpads completely.

This is how we use the heat activator powder for drug test success:

  • Just before you go to submit your sample, outside the venue, you shake the heat activator powder to make sure it doesn’t have any clumps in it, then you open up the vial of premixed urine, and tap in about one-third of the heat activator powder gently.
  • Put the lid on the vial of urine and shake it gently until the powder has dissolved. Then watch the temperature strip carefully. You want to see a reading here. If you don’t get one, tap in a little more and repeat the process.
  • Once you get a reading, tap in a little more until you get a reading as close to 100°F as possible. Don’t go above that though, because you won’t then get a reading. That’s why you have to do it in increments because if you put in too much, you could keep overheating it.

So in conclusion, this Quick Luck review hopefully tells you that this is the best of the bunch. It’s the best on the market, and that’s reflected in the price.

Quick Luck costs $100 for a 3 fluid ounces fake urine kit. So, it’s more expensive than Sub Solution, and double the price of the mid-range option I’ll talk about later.

But for your money, you get the best fake urine on the market today. Complex, that will pass visual scrutiny, with a perfect way of heating it to the correct level; it is the gold standard for submitting a fake sample right now.

Click Here To Buy Quick Luck Synthetic Urine

2. Sub Solution Synthetic Urine Kit

Although Quick Luck is slightly more complex than Sub Solution, and it’s premixed, when Sub Solution is a powder, there’s really not much else to tell between them in terms of quality and ability to pass a drug test.

Sub Solution is the number one bestselling fake urine brand and has been for 10 years. Quick Luck surpasses it in complexity, but it’s really overkilled for your basic pre-employment drug testing.

The characteristics of Sub Solution that make it so good are:

  • 11 chemicals found in real human urine
  • Contains the basics you need of urea, creatinine, and uric acid
  • Balanced for specific gravity
  • Within the ph. range of human urine
  • Looks, froths, and smells like human urine
  • Comes with the incredible heat activator powder

I’ve known some people who’ve used Sub Solution under my recommendation, who have been a little underwhelmed when they have spent their money and received the box in the post.

You literally just get a small plastic vial of powdered urine and another small plastic vial of white heat activator powder. Pretty unimpressive stuff visually.

But what you are paying for is the complexity of the urine formula, and the incredible ability of the heat activator powder to raise the temperature of the sample and give you complete granular control over the temperature at which your sample exists.

Again, it’s that heat activator powder that is the game changer, and it's why Sub Solution and Quick Luck are more expensive (apart from their more advanced formula of them).

Simply tap in about one-third, shake it until it dissolves, and watch the temperature rise. Tap in a little more, and a little more if still needed. Complete and exact control over the sample temperature.

Hell, for an unsupervised drug test, as long as you are in a different cubicle room, you could even tap in a little more if it has cooled just before you pour it into the sample cup. Sub Solution isn’t cheap. It’s $85; so a premium brand price.

It’s slightly cheaper than Quick Luck for one simple reason: it’s a powder rather than premixed.

The fact it’s a powder means that you can’t store it in your cupboard at work, or somewhere else convenient, to heat up the sample and submit it within a couple of minutes. With Sub Solution, you’ll need to mix it with filtered water (don’t use tap water as it contains impurities not found in urine).

But overall, $85 gets you 3 fluid ounces of the second-best synthetic urine brand on the market which will pass almost any level of scrutiny, apart from the incredibly rare full gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis.

Click Here To Buy Sub Solution Synthetic Urine

3. Test Clear Powdered Urine

 I’m always amazed that Test Clear powdered urine doesn’t get more love than it does. The reason is that Test Clear don’t really promote it that much. It’s tucked away on the website without much fanfare, and the name isn’t exactly cool and catchy.

What you’re getting is fantastic midrange synthetic urine. It’s almost as complex as Sub Solution, but at a mid-range price rather than a premium one.

These are the characteristics of Test Clear powdered urine:

  • Complex fake urine
  • Contains urea and uric acid
  • Contains creatinine
  • Contains several other key chemicals
  • Balanced for ph.
  • Within the correct specific gravity range
  • Looks really realistic
  • Temperature controlled by high-quality pair of heatpads

Preparation is pretty straightforward. It is a powder, so you will need to mix it with filtered water to start.

Then, microwave it for about 30 seconds to get it within the correct temperature range. If you need to microwave it for an extra 10 second burst do so but ensure you don’t overheat it.

Then, stick the pair of good-quality heatpads to the sample container. These kick out a steady heat right around the container and keep it within an even heat range.

Submitting is simple. Just like with other fake urine, just tuck it into your underwear, and put on baggy jogging bottoms. As long as it’s an unsupervised drug test then you will not be searched intimately, which means it’s easy to conceal it there and then submit it.

Overall, this synthetic urine is of fantastic quality. It sits in the sweet spot middle price range between expensive Sub Solution and Quick Luck premium products, and the two budget ones I’m going to cover next.

It costs $50 for a powder that creates 3 fluid ounces of liquid. So as you can see, right in the middle of the five top synthetic urine review product prices, I’m talking about here. So if you’ve got the budget for it, but you don’t want to spend any more, it’s your best bet to pass a drug test.

Click Here To Buy Testclear's Powdered Urine Kit

 Synthetic Urine Reviews Conclusions: Where To Buy These Top Quality Fake Urine Products

So there you go. I hope synthetic urine reviews have been helpful in making a decision, and that the information I provided gives you a lot more detail on passing a urine sample drug test, as well as what you will face.

In order, these are the top synthetic urine brands:

  • Quick Luck
  • Sub Solution
  • Test Clear

Don’t get hung up on buying Monkey Whizz over Quick Fix though, they are equally as good, and it mostly comes down to personal choice and availability. What really matters is getting the most complex urine you can afford for your money. The more complex it is, and the more realistic it looks, then the best chance you have a passing.

Also, the heat activator powder is the game changer. It removes the need for heatpads, microwaves, and hot water. So, if you’ve got the money, I urge you to trade up to Sub Solution at least. Quick Luck if you can afford it.

Fake Pee For Drug Test FAQ

Do They Check Your Sex: Can I Use Someone Else’s Urine?

Some people who are thinking of submitting a friend's urine wonder if they can check the sex or DNA, or some other characteristics which could get them found out.

Do not use someone else’s urine, for the reasons I’ve literally just explained to you above. But, to clear up the confusion, no they do not check for anything else other than the presence of drugs and adulteration.

It’s actually illegal (at least in the USA and most other Western countries) during standard drug testing to check any other chemicals or characteristics of the sample.

What Is The Best Way To Pass A Drug Test On Short Notice

If you are facing a drug test at short notice, and you’ve got moderate to high levels of drug metabolites in your body, then fake urine is definitely the best way to pass. The reason is simple. You aren’t submitting your own urine, to completely avoid having your own analyzed.

The only other two ways you can pass at short notice are:

1. Use a detox drink. Any time you have before your test you can do a natural detox to try and speed up the removal of toxins so the detox drink has less work to do. But this is obviously still submitting your own urine and it could still contain some stray drug metabolites.

2. You could try submitting someone else’s urine. But that is literally riddled with problems. Getting it within the correct temperature range when you submit it is still a problem, as is ensuring that it’s kept in good condition until you submit it. It’s simply a strategy I would never advocate you consider when fake urine is complex enough to pass with far less hassle.

Can I Use Fake Urine On A Supervised Drug Test?

As you can now see, you cannot use fake urine to pass a supervised/observed drug test because you will be seen. Some people will try and tell you can use a fake urine belt with a tap dispenser, or even a prosthetic penis because they will somehow fool the person in the room with you.

Let me tell you, the chances of an experienced person, even looking at you indirectly, not spotting an unnatural position, hand movements, rubbery penis, or as a woman putting your hands between your legs to fiddle around with a tap dispenser, are pretty unlikely.

If it’s a supervised drug test, then natural detoxification, perhaps used in conjunction with the detox drink on the day of your test, is the only option that you really have. But for unsupervised drug testing, which accounts for more than 90% of the drug tests conducted (in almost every pre-employment drug test completed in the USA), fake urine is the perfect option.

Where To Buy Synthetic Urine Near Me Now

If you’re in real trouble and facing a drug test in the very near future, then wondering where to buy synthetic urine right now is understandable. However, the only places you really find it are smoke shops, head shops, and places like that.

Also, the quality will be poor as they tend to only sell low-quality brands for inflated prices. You’re far better off trying to buy something like Sub Solution with rapid next day delivery online.

How To Keep Fake Pee at The Right Temperature

To keep fake urine within the correct temperature range (between 90°F and 100°F), you will either use a heatpad or heat activator powder. Only Sub Solution comes with heat activator powder, while all other brands of fake urine have heatpads.

A heatpad is a far less efficient and effective method, and if you are using one I would highly advise that you also take a flask of hot water with you and check the temperature before you enter the building. With Sub Solution, you just use the heat activator powder to raise the heat of the liquid prior to submitting your sample.

How To Make Fake Urine

It is perfectly possible to make fake urine. You will need some chemicals (ammonia, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, urea, calcium chloride, magnesium sulphate, and hydrochloric acid solution).

You’ll also need a good quality digital micro scale, medical-grade mixing equipment, and the knowledge to mix everything at the correct proportions. Plus, you’ll have to know how to deal with the sample after you have created it.

Overall, making fake urine as possible, but it’s expensive and time-consuming. It has a far greater level of risk and expense than simply buying a highly complex retail formula like Sub Solution. Also, by buying a premium-grade retail product you don’t have to mess around with finding a heat source to keep it within the correct temperature range.

How To Hide Fake Pee

The easiest way to hide fake urine to smuggle it into a drug test center is universal both men and women as a method.

All you are going to do is put on two pairs of underpants. A larger pair on the outside. Then prepare your sample, and tuck it between the two pairs, making sure it’s pushed into your crotch. Also make sure that you can walk without it being shaken loose. Then, put on some baggy trousers. Jogging bottoms are great for this, along with a loose-fitting top that compliments hiding the middle of the body.

You shouldn’t need to use tape or anything like that. If you do, you run the risk of it being detected when it rips as you try and remove the sample from around your body. Also, it can cause complications at the time you are submitting your sample that you really don’t need.

How To Keep Fake Pee at The Right Temp

It’s not easy to keep fake pee within the right temperature range. It’s very narrow, just 10°. You have to keep the sample temperature between 90°F and 100°F the time you submit it. That’s really tough.

The easiest way of doing this is to use a heatpad. Microwave the sample you are using and then strap a pre-activated heatpad to it. As long as the heatpad is designed for keeping urine warm then it should keep it roughly within the correct temperature range.

However, my top tip is always to take a flask of hot water with you. Check the temperature before you go inside, and if it’s cooled too much, then pour hot water on it to raise the temperature more.

What Is The Best Synthetic Urine In 2022

Without a doubt, the best synthetic urine in 2022 is still Sub Solution. I will also mention Quick Luck; it’s slightly more advanced and it’s premixed, basically Sub Solution’s big brother. However, it is more expensive, and really Sub Solution is good enough.

It contains 14 chemicals found in real urine. You mix the powder with filtered water, and it creates a liquid that looks, smells, and even froths like urine as well.

Plus, Sub Solution also comes with heat activator powder. No microwaves are needed, no flask of hot water, and no heatpad. It agitates the liquid to warm it, giving you close control over the temperature right up until you submit it.

(Disclaimer: Above mentioned article is a Consumer Connect Initiative. This article is a paid publication and does not have journalistic/editorial involvement of IDPL, and IDPL claims no responsibility whatsoever.)