Srinagar: Senior Supreme Court lawyer and former deputy CM Muzaffar Hussain Baig lashed out at Chief Electoral Officer J&K for what he said is an illegal and irresponsible decision. Beigh said that CEO's statement has created chaos in Jammu and Kashmir. 


“I think he has made the decision about new voters in J&K out of his mind and has ripped the constitution.”

“The inclusion of Non-Local voters is totally illegal. Domicile holders can only adopt jobs here and can't take part in casting votes. After the Abrogation of Article 370, 164 laws seized to exist while 166 remain here,” he added.

PM Modi should take stern action against Chief Electoral Officer for this confusing announcement which doesn't stand anywhere, adding this, he said "the government of India should come clear over the issue and if the officer has made this statement out of mistake, then it can be forgiven, but if the statement has been given on any directions, then it may have an adverse impact in Jammu and Kashmir.

Asked about the all-Party meeting on Monday, Baig said that he will attend if he is invited, he said apart from calling a meeting of all political parties PAGD should also convey a meeting of civil society, trade unions and businessmen to discuss the issue thread bear and formulate a single way to put up this issue with the central government.