New Delhi: In the Shivpuri district of Madhya Pradesh, an Elephant pulled up a truck which was stuck in the mud due to rainfall. The video of an elephant being seen pulling a truck stuck in mud is making the rounds on social media. As soon as the video of the incident went viral on social media, the user, awestruck by Gajraj's strength, began praising the powerful animal in the comment section. The incident occurred in Madhya Pradesh's Bhatoan village, where a group of 300 Sikhs travelling from Amritsar to Nanded were struck on the muddy road. While Sikhs and locals attempted but failed to pull it out of the mud. Instead of a crane, an elephant used its jumbo strength to push it out.


The Sikhs and locals can be seen working together with the elephant to push the truck in the video. A Nihang Sikh is seen in the video pushing the loaded truck while holding the elephant's powerful trunk. Because of the constant rain, the dry soil of the road turned into mud, and the truck became stuck in it.

A few weeks earlier between 5 and 6 p.m., former Uttarakhand chief minister Trivendra Singh Rawat was driving from Pauri to Kotdwar on the Kotdwar-Dugadda road when the elephant appeared out of the forest and blocked his convoy. When the elephant approached his vehicle, everyone, including the former CM, had to exit and climb the mountain. He managed to save his life by climbing the hill.