COIMBATORE: One passenger was arrested and as many as six were intercepted for allegedly smuggling 3.54 kg of gold estimated to be approximately Rs 2.05 crore by concealing it in his rectum on Sunday, officials at Coimbatore airport said. The passenger arrived in Coimbatore on an Air Arabia Flight on January 8 from Sharjah, Officials said. The accused person has been identified as Muthu Kumar (37), a resident of Sivaganga.


According to officials, acting on credible intelligence input, the officers of the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence, Coimbatore, intercepted 6 passengers who had allegedly tried to smuggle gold from Sharjah to Coimbatore in an Air Arabia Flight on January 8.

"The gold was recovered from their pant pockets, and underwear and concealed in Rectum. The total quantity of foreign-origin gold seized is 3.54 kgs valued at approximately Rs. 2.05 crore," Police said.

Police said further investigation is under progress. Earlier in the day, Customs department officials seized gold worth Rs 21.55 lakh including 211 grams of gold in powder form mixed with chocolate powder at Tiruchirappalli International Airport.

A passenger, who arrived from Dubai on an Air India flight, was intercepted by customs officials during checking, officials said on Sunday.

Officials found gold powder mixed with chocolate powder and ingeniously concealed in three chocolate powder containers. On extraction, 211 grams of gold of 24-karat purity was recovered, they said.

The gold chains weighing 175 grams were also found in the check-in baggage of the passenger, they said.The total value of the recovered gold is estimated to be Rs 21.55 lakhs.

"The passenger arrived at the airport via Air India flight IX612, on Saturday and was apprehended during checking," officials said while adding that they were further looking into the matter.