The Jammu and Kashmir administration on Saturday said that the government is going to introduce telemedicine service in Srinagar and consultations with concerned agencies are currently underway. The Jammu and Kashmir administration said that the introduction of telemedicine service is a part of Srinagar Smart City project.


"Government is introducing telemedicine service in Srinagar, consultations with concerned agencies for which are underway.  Proposed service is a part of Srinagar Smart City project, one important component of which is the introduction of smart healthcare in Srinagar," said the Jammu and Kashmir government.

The Jammu and Kashmir administration said that under proposed service the government is planning to connect all hospitals and health institutions to each other. This will be done using a trusted & round-the-clock satellite-based networking channel, which will also enable remote clinical services like diagnosis and monitoring of patients.

"Under proposed service all hospitals & health institutions in the district will be connected to each other through a trusted & round-the-clock satellite-based networking channel and enable remote clinical services like diagnosis & monitoring of patients," said the government.

"The project includes upgrading of existing facilities at SKIMS and GMC Srinagar, and setting up of these facilities at all other hospitals and health centres in the district and then connecting all of them together," added the government.