A 15-year-old girl was allegedly sexually harassed and duped of Rs 2.5 lakh by a man she befriended on social media, police said on Monday. The girl's father, in his complaint, alleged that a man named Govind befriended his daughter on Instagram and told her that her father was involved in an affair and he has some objectionable pictures of him.


"My daughter was scared and she shared her private picture with the accused and then he started blackmailing her and demanded money from her," the father said in his complaint.

On August 27, the accused sent two boys to the girl's house and she handed over Rs 2.5 lakhs to them which were kept in the house, police said.

The girl narrated the ordeal to her father on Sunday after the accused threatened to kill her if she told anyone about the incident, they said.
Following this, the family moved to the police and filed a complaint.

An FIR was registered against the accused under sections 387 (extortion), 506 (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code and section 12 (sexual harassment) of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act at Bhondsi police station, they said.