Lucknow: A day after an undated photo of Sadaqat Khan, an accused in the Prayagraj murder, with Samajwadi chief Akhilesh Yadav was shared by BJP leaders on Twitter, SP supremo on Tuesday said that in the era of social media, a photo can be clicked with anyone and can go viral. "In an era of social media, photos can be clicked with anyone and can go viral. Yesterday my photo was with CM Yogi, if he had not withdrawn the cases against him, then what would you be running today," Yadav said while talking to reporters in Lucknow. Asking whether all the criminals of "daily crimes" taking place in the state would be "encountered" by the government, the SP chief alleged that police and administration are busy "pleasing government". "When police and administration are busy pleasing government, how will development take place?


This is not the first double murder in Amethi, double and triple murders happen every day here and in Allahabad, will government encounter those criminals as well," SP Supremo said.

Also Read: On Akhilesh Yadav's Question On Witnesses' Murder, Adityanath's 'Mitti Mein Mila Denge' Warning

A photo war and blame game has erupted amid a fresh wave of crime and shootouts in Uttar Pradesh, with an image of Sadaqat, a co-accused in the murder of advocate and key witness in several cases, Umesh Pal, being widely circulated on social media. In one of the photos shared on social media, Sadaqat is seen standing next to Samajwadi party president Akhilesh Yadav.

Responding to the viral image, Uttar Pradesh Deputy CM Brajesh Pathak said, "It goes to show the true face of the Samajwadi party. It is a party, which is always involved in incentivising and patronising criminals and the mafia. The SP runs a nursery of criminals."

Another photo has been shared on the Samajwadi party`s official Twitter handle where Sadaqat is seen standing with Udhay Bhan Karwariya, husband of ex-BJP MLA from Meja, Prayagraj Neelam Karwaria.Umesh Pal and one of his armed security escorts was shot dead in Prayagraj on February 24 while he was returning home from court. 

Umesh was also a key witness in the murder of former BSP leader Raju Pal and had an old rivalry with Mafia Don Atiq Ahmad.Former SP leader Atiq Ahmed, his wife, son and associates have been named in the FIR in connection with the murder.