New Delhi: PM Narendra Modi on Saturday accused Congress of searching for rebel leaders in other parties to make a mark in the upcoming Himachal Pradesh assembly elections.


Speaking at a political rally in Kangra's Raitt, PM Modi said there is a big shortage of visionary leaders in Congress. "I have heard that the party has lost faith in its own leaders and is now looking for rebel leaders in other parties," he said. Blaming the state government under Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh of having ignored Raitt's development, he added, "No senior Congress leader came here to campaign. They have already left the field leaving everything on fate."

Urging voters in the state to bid farewell to the rival party, PM Modi said, "Congress is getting the fruits of its sins. If people are angry today, it is due to their own deeds. Every poll booth in the state should reject Congress." 

The BJP and its leaders have been repeatedly targeting the Congress party, which has been in power in the state since 2012, over development issues and on charges of corruption against some of  Congress leaders. A day earlier, PM Modi had said the party's manifesto mentions zero tolerance for corruption even though its own chief minister faces corruption charges.

On Saturday, PM Modi took the attack a step forward and questioned Congress' intention of marking November 8 as 'Black Day'. "Banning Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes on November 8 last year was our serious step towards curbing black money. Congress wants to mark it as 'Black Day'. Is my fight against corruption wrong? Let them burn my effigies for demonetisation but my fight against corruption will continue."

The BJP and Congress both regard the Himachal elections - scheduled for November 9 - as crucial. While BJP has named Prem Kumar Dhumal as its CM candidate, Congress is banking on Virbhadra Singh to return to power.