New Delhi: Inter-Ministerial Central Team (IMCT) on Friday (April 24) asked the West Bengal Chief Secretary to explain the methodology used by the ‘Committee of Doctors’ in the state to ascertain death due to coronavirus COVID-19 and also sought to know if it is in line with ICMR guidelines.


During its visit to the state, IMCT made some of the observations and sought clarification from the state Chief Secretary. It asked about a large number of patients in the isolation wards of CNCI as well as Bangur hospitals awaiting COVID test results for five days or longer. 

"Specifically at CNCI, there were 4 patients since 16.04.2020 awaiting test result, two since 17.04.2020 and three since 18.04.2020. Some of the patients have tested negative. It is not clear why the test results should take such a long time and there is a danger of COVID negative patient acquiring the infection in the hospital while awaiting his test result," it asked. 

Other observations are given below: 

1. The patient admission at Bangur hospital appears to be chaotic. There was no social distancing in the waiting area. 02 of the patients appear to be in very poor health but there was no medical support available. 

2. The patients are referred to Bangur hospital from other medical facilities. However, it seems the patients are left on their own to report to the hospital and are not escorted. This would always leave the scope for some patients not turning up or delaying reporting to the hospital. 

3. There are only 12 ventilator beds available in Bangur hospital even though the hospital caters to 354 serious COVID patients. When asked, the IMCT was informed that in case a patient requires ventilation support and ventilator is not available, the patient is transferred to some other facilities. Records in this regard may be made available. 

4. There have been reports on social media that dead bodies were lying on beds in a ward. On inquiry, it was informed that it is possible that dead bodies are lying on a bed in a ward as it takes at least 04 hours to issue a death certificate, after which the body is shifted to the mortuary. It is not clear why a body should lie in a ward in full view of other patients and not shifted to the mortuary even while awaiting death certificate. Records may be furnished for how much time it takes to issue a death certificate and shift a body to the mortuary. 

The IMCT asked the Chief Secretary to present the facts before it as per promises made by the state in its earlier presentation.