NEW DELHI: India has said that its operation on the terror camps of Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) in Balakot is over but the next step will be to mount diplomatic pressure on an increasingly isolated Islamabad.


Sources told wion, "Our govt's position is very clear, we have to make strategy on our own. We have to fight terror on our own. But we have to build pressure on Pakistan to see that focus remains on Pakistan as a state which supports, sponsors and nurtures terrorism"

Adding, "If there is subsequent terror attack all options are available for us".

India also made it clear no negotiations were done for the release of wing commander Abhinandan who was captured by Pakistan after it launched strikes on Indian military installation last week.

Sources said, "We made it very clear to all the ambassadors of the P5 countries, that this was non-negotiable matter, that we were not asking for consular access, and we expected him back immediately and we believe this was conveyed and Pakistani side very clearly understood" 

Adding, "pressure was built not only by P5 but by others, and this was instrumental (in the release) and it should not be attributed to Imran Khan's generous Pathan heart."

On the death of Masood Azhar, chief of JeM,  sources dismissed it saying we take such news with a pinch of salt.

India hopes to list Masood Azhar as an international terrorist under the 1267 committee of the united nations security council which it believes will send a message that Pakistan is the epicentre of terror in the world.

13 March, 3 PM EST or 1.30 am IST, 14th is the deadline for any country to hold technical bar against declaring Azhar as an international terrorist.