Washington: India and US are likely to partner on 5G network, US India Business Council (USIBC) President Nisha Biswal said on Thursday, adding that technology sector is a "very important area" of collaboration between our two countries.


In an interview, Biswal said that she expects that digital commerce and all areas of the technology collaboration are going to continue to grow."I do think that the technology sector is a very important area of collaboration between our two countries. We have a very trusted relationship, and we have a very large digitally savvy population in both countries," she said.

"So I do expect that digital commerce and all areas of technology collaboration are going to continue to grow. I also think that the US and India will partner on 5G and creating kind of the digital infrastructure of the future. And this will continue to be an area of growing importance," she added.

Biswal said that US and India economic partnership has been one that has been growing in importance for both countries.

"US India economic partnership has been one that has been growing in importance for both countries. We have seen that the pandemic has created enormous disruption on global supply chains including in the pharmaceutical sector and the US India partnership is one of the trusted partners. So as we look at the research and collaboration that`s going on around the vaccine around treatment options," she said.

The India Ideas Summit organised by the USIBC scheduled on July 21-22 will see discussions on a wide range of topics including the impact of coronavirus on global supply chain and healthcare collaboration between the two countries.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the upcoming Summit, which has assembled a high-powered line-up of US-India corridor leaders from across the business, government and society.