Kolkata: The Kolkata Police has filed a case against Union Minister Babul Supriyo for sharing fake photos of Bengal Chief Secretary Rajiva Sinha on microblogging site Twitter. 


On Sunday the police lodged a case and initiated action against the BJP minister for the photo he shared on May 8 which allegedly shows Rajiva Sinha drinking with some people, it was also alleged that one of them is Mamata Banerjee’s brother Kartik Banerjee.

The South division of the Kolkata Police took to Twitter to announce that the photo shared is fake and that action has been taken against Supriyo for sharing the image.

The tweet said: "This post circulating on social media is #Fake.The information shared in the message is false. A case has been started over this and legal action being taken."

While on May 8, Supriyo shared the photograph claimimg that if Sinha and Banerjee are together then it "raises many questions". 

Supriyo's tweet read: "It’s Honble WBCM Mamata Banerjee's brother Kartik Banerjee with the Current Chief Seccretary of Bengal Rajivs Sinha! The Drinks r fine but this viral photo does raise many questions given who they are!! THIS sure IS NOT A NORMAL PIX."