New Delhi: A video of Maharashtra former minister and Shiv Sena leader Aaditya Thackeray is doing rounds on social media platforms for all the right reasons. The video, which was shot during Aaditya Thackeray's speech in Mumbai's Chadivali, shows the Maharashtra former pausing his speech for a few minutes during azaan. Thackeray's visit to Chandivali was part of his 'Nishtha Yatra' which he embarked on a week ago – travelling to various parts of Maharashtra to interact with the Shiv Sena workers.


The video captures the chivalry side of Aaditya Thackeray. In the footage, Thackeray can be seen pausing his speech for two minutes as the azaan went on and then resuming his speech again.

Watch the video here: 

Earlier, during the loudspeaker row in Maharashtra, Aaditya Thackeray had made it clear that he was against the controversy. "Loudspeakers should be used to create awareness among people about reasons behind rising prices of essential commodities," he had said at that time.