Mumbai: The Maharashtra government on Friday (June 4) put a cap on rates of mucormycosis or black fungus treatment at private hospitals.


The state health department ordered all charitable hospitals registered under the Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950, to follow the capped charges.

Identifying 28 types of surgeries for the disease, the government fixed the minimum charges at Rs 6,000 in tier-three cities. The rates could go up to Rs 1 lakh depending on the region and the complexity of the treatment.

The order will remain in force till July 31.

“There are some multi-disciplinary private hospitals in metro cities like Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur, where experts of brain, nose, eyes, ears, among others, are available to handle mucormycosis cases. Such hospitals are commonly known as super-specialty hospitals,” an official of the public health department was quoted as saying by PTI.

“If a patient wants to get treatment at such hospitals, the fees are generally huge. But this notification now caps the charges and patients can seek treatment in such multi-disciplinary hospitals as well,” he added.

The government warned doctors of penal action if healthcare service is denied to patients.

If excess charging is found, the amount will have to be reimbursed to the patient, the order read.

The state was recorded more than 5000 cases of mucormycosis.

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