New Delhi: It seems all is finally well with Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena, suggests Kejriwal’s remarks after a meeting between both the office holders. Soon after the meeting, Arvind Kejriwal said “matbhed ho sakte hain, par man bhed nahi hain (There can be differences of opinions but no personal issues between us.) The comments came after the Delhi CM held a meeting with the recently appointed LG on Friday and discussed issues concerning the national capital. Arvind Kejriwal and VK Saxena, who are often seen locking horns on one or the other issues, held a discussion on water, cleanliness, electricity and other issues.


Addressing the media after the meeting, Kejriwal said, “We may have a difference of opinions on various issues. Matbhed ho sakte hain, manbhed nahi hai. He is LG and I'm CM, we may have different opinions on issues but we'll sort out those issues through discussions and work together. Important for Delhi that CM and LG work together.”

Kejriwal further added, “The meeting was held in a cordial environment. Several issues were discussed - water, cleanliness, electricity and so on. We will work together as we have always done so far.”

The Singapore visit controversy

Kejriwal and Saxena, recently indulged in a scuffle after the newly appointed LG ordered a hold on the chief minister’s Singapore visit, which Kejriwal refused to adhere to.

The Delhi Lt Governor had rejected the AAP government's request for Kejriwal's travel to Singapore, saying his attendance at the mayors' conference will set a "bad precedent". Last month, the High Commissioner of Singapore, Simon Wong, invited Kejriwal to the World Cities Summit.

In return, the AAP govt accused LG and the Centre of stopping the chief minister from speaking at an international forum about the world-class works done in Delhi in health, education and other fields.