New Delhi: The results of the much awaited JEE-Mains have been announced by the National Testing Agency(NTA) on Monday (March 8). This year six students scored a 100 percentile score in the JEE Main Exams February session.


Ranjim Prabal Das, a Delhi resident, is one of the six candidates who secured a perfect 100 in the JEE-Mains exam. 

Despite being infected with the novel coronavirus in 2020, Ranjim Prabal Das from Assam was determined to crack the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main 2021, which he did with flying colours. 

In an interview with ANI, Das shared that he is a huge fan of Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk. He said that he was infected with the novel Coronavirus which disturbed his studies, but he didn't lose hope and was determined.

Das also expressed his future plans to go to IIT Delhi for his higher studies. If that does not happen, he will go to IISc Bengaluru for his science graduation, added the topper. 

"When I tested COVID-19 positive, I focused on healing. Once the fever was down I got back to studies," he added.

Das said he used to study for eight hours to prepare for JEE Mains. "I usually studied for eight hours a day, on average. I focussed more on the target-based study,"

The other five students who scored a perfect 100 NTA score are Saket Jha from Rajasthan, Pravar Kataria from Delhi (NCT), Guramrit Singh from Chandigarh, Siddhant Mukherjee from Maharashtra and Ananth Krishna Kidambi from Gujarat. Meanwhile, Komma Sharanya from Telangana topped the female candidates with a score of 99.99. 

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