Mumbai: A group of women from Maharashtra’s Jalgaon district decided to make sure their community follows the COVID-19 guidelines. Wearing pink saris and armed with wooden sticks, these ladies are determined to beat the virus out of their land.


Maharashtra’s Gulabi Gang, following the rules set by the government, charges offenders fines if found disobeying the correct protocol. 

They ask the offenders to wear their masks and use sanitizer and if the offender continues to refuse, the ladies have their sticks ready to convince them the hard way.

The ladies used to try explaining the importance of following the Coronavirus guidelines in a kind manner but no one would listen to them. Everyone took the precautions for granted, forcing these women to take up arms against the virus and people refusing to follow necessary guidelines.

Just like the other districts in Maharashtra, the COVID-19 virus has been spreading rapidly in Lucknow. Despite multiple warnings by the local administration, people are still disregarding the rules.

Due to the complacency of the people, the Zilla Parishad of Jalgaon gave the Gulabi Gang permission to enforce the rules however they see fit.

The Gulabi Gang’s original purpose is to function as a womens’ empowerment group to help ladies become self-reliant financially.