India took over as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) from January 1 for a two-year term. Monday will be the first active day of India for the two year term. India's key focus will be on reforms, stong action on terrorism, peacekeeping amoung others. We bring you the team at the Indian mission in UN as India takes the chair at the high table at UNSC.


Ambassador TS Tirumurti, Permanent Representative of India to United Nations

India will be entering the UN security council on the first of January for the 8th time. During the next 2 year, I am confident that India will bring with it the Indian Way of doing things. And contribute to more cooperative, inclusive decision making process in the security council. I am happy to say that our team in permanent mission of India in New York is all geared up for the security council and I am confident our team will do India proud. We are grateful for the fullest support we have received from the honourable PM Modi as well as our External Affairs minister S Jaishankar and the foreign secretary Harsh Shringla who has himself served in New York earlier. 

Ambassador K Nagaraj Naidu, Deputy Permanent representative 

Begining first of January 2021, India will be taking its seat on the security council as an elected member, India brings legitimacy to council's deliberations and decision making. We look forward to our presidency of the UNSC in the month of August 2021. It is coincidental, while India is on the council, India will also be celebrating, 75th anniversary of Indian Independence. Please join us in this historic journey. We are all excited, we are all well prepared. Our teams are in place, both in New York and New Delhi. We look forward for a very substantive and productive 2 year term at the council.

R. Ravindra, Deputy Permanent Representative (political coordinator)

Security council is a political body and the decision of the security council are largely political in nature. Africa and west asia issue dominate the council's agenda. For India progess and prosperity of Africa, conflict free west Asia is important. While we are in the council, we will be a forcefull voice and will work constructively with other council members in finding meaningfull solutions to the problems faced by Africa and West Asia.

Pratik Mathur, counsellor

India's approch to our tenure on the security council is guided by an emphasis on building on international system that based on respect, dialogue, cooperation, peace and prosperity for all.

A. Amarnath, counsellor

In its efforts to promote responsible and inclusive solutions to the challenges to international peace and security, India will bring to the security council its strong commitment to multilateralism and fare, equitable and rules based international system

R. Madhu Sudan, Counsellor

Widespread concern that the inadequacy of the existing multilateral institutions to deliver results or meet new challenges. World order needs to be contemporary to remain credible. That is why India has called for reformed multilateralism and we will work towards this goal. This will be one our focus areas at the security council.

Mayank Singh, counsellor

Through bilateral assistance to member states and continue contributions to UN funds and programmes, India's approch to addressing the underline causes of conflict is also supporting demand driven and nationally owned projects. 

Rajesh Parihar, First Secretary

Solutions for post conflict recovery, not only calls for institution and capacity building but also greater involvement of women and youth in shaping the peace and security paradigm. India will work to ensure greater youth and women participation in peace process. 

Vidisha Maitra, First Secretary

The global security landscape is shifting. We have persistent traditional security challenges coexiting with new and emerging ones. What this demand is coherent, pragmatic, nimble and effective platform for collaboration. The post covid 19 world provides such an opportunity. India's presence at the security council at this time is essentially a clarion call for collaboration.

Siddharth Malik, First Secretary 

As a rule abiding democracy and a positive contributor to the secruity of the global commons, India will constructively work with our partners to overcome old and new political and economic faultlines. 

Mijito Vinito, First Secretary

Terrorism is an enduring and abiding critical threat to international peace and and security. India will persue concrete action at the council aimed at addressing aimed at addressing the abuse of information and communication technology by terrorist, disrupting the nexus of terrorist sponsors and trans national organised criminal entities. 

Ashish Sharma, First Secretary 

Today's peace and security challenges require a comprehensive integrated approach. Harmonizing national choices and international priorities. India is committed to hearing and heeding the voices of all to forge consensus and common purpose. 

Thirugnana Sambandan S, First Secretary

Streamling of UN Peacekeeping operations is needed to infuse greater clarity, direction and professionalism. Use of innovative technology also offers promising opportunities for safe and effective mandate implementation in conflict situation.

Yedla Umasankar, First Secretary/Legal Adviser

India during its tenure at the council will work towards the goal of saving succeeding generation from the scouge of wars by promoting peacefull settlement of international disputes. 

Gopal K Wadhwa, Second Secretary 

While we are on the security council monitoring the media is important for gauging the response to our policies. We are constantly and actively engaged in this process and this works as a feedback loop for us.