Budhal Rajouri: President of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Mehbooba Mufti, reiterated her demand to roll back the decisions made on August 5, 2019, emphasizing that the people of Jammu and Kashmir stand united to safeguard their unique identity. Addressing multiple public gatherings in Budhal Rajouri, Mehbooba said that the removal of special status was unacceptable to the people of Jammu and Kashmir irrespective of their creed, caste, or religion.


"Our identity was snatched. Our special status was taken away. This is unacceptable to us," the PDP President said. She highlighted that various communities, including Ladakhis and Dogras, now feel marginalized and dispossessed due to the changes imposed on the region. "People from Ladakh are protesting against what happened on August 5, 2019. Even the businessmen there feel that their lands are being seized, leaving them with nothing. Jammu's Dogra community, which initially hoped that the abrogation of Article 370 would benefit them in some way, is now reeling from the removal of special status because people's resources there are being appropriated," Mehbooba remarked.

The PDP President pointed out the suppression of dissent, citing the use of the Public Safety Act (PSA) against youth who dare to raise their voices against day-to-day issues. "The electricity that we produce here is being provided free of charge in other states, while here it has been hiked 10 times. How can the poor afford to pay such exorbitant electricity bills? The administration is trying to paint a different picture, as if everything is thriving in Jammu and Kashmir. The reality is frighteningly grim. People are growing more disillusioned with each passing day. The silence of the graveyard has been enforced," she added.

Mufti urged people not to allow an assault on their unique identity. "Those from the Dogra community should teach their kids to speak in Dogri, Gujjars should teach their kids Gujari, Punjabis should teach Punjabi, and Kashmiris should teach Kashmiri. Language keeps us connected to our roots. We must do everything in our power to protect our identity," Mehbooba emphasized. "This election is being fought for the protection of our core interests," she concluded.