New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Tuesday slammed the Ministry of Home Affiairs (MHA) and said that it is trying to stop the work releted to the Assam National Register of Citizens (NRC). The top court said that the MHA doesn't want the NRC to carry on and hence, every time it comes up with different stories to destroy this process.


Coming down heavily on the Centre over the NRC process, the Supreme Court rapped Home Ministry for its plea seeking to stall the NRC work for two weeks keeping in mind the role of Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) in the election duty.

Reiterating that July 31 deadline for the completion of NRC exercise will not be extended, a bench headed by Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi said that the Centre is not cooperating in the NRC process and it seems the entire effort of the MHA is to destroy the NRC process.

The apex court asked the Election Commission to consider exempting certain state officers from election duty to ensure that NRC process continues.

(With inputs from agencies)