As rainfall continues in Mumbai for the third consecutive day, complaints of waterlogging were reported from several area including Hindmata, TT Junction, King Circle and Dharavi. Main holes have been opened in several places to avoid waterlogging and BMC staff have been deployed in these areas to look after safety.


The Meteorological Department has issued a yellow alert, indicating heavy to very heavy rainfall at isolated places and parts of Raigad, Thane and Mumbai for Sunday. 

The disaster management cell of the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) said water-logging was reported in low-lying areas of the city such as Sion, Dadar and Milan Subway. There were 19 complaints of tree/branch falling, but nobody was injured in the incidents, it said.

Here are the live updates on Mumbai rains:

Water-logged at Dahisar subway has been cleared and the traffic conditions are restored to normal.

- Powai lake in Mumbai overflows due to incessant rainfall. 

This lake is around 27 km away from the BMC's headquarters. The overflow was reportedly first witnessed at 6 AM in the morning. It has a capacity to contain over 545 cr litre water.

It was built in 1890.

- Mumbai police gives information for places waterlogged due to rains. Areas include:

Postal colony
Wadala west
Dharavi restaurant
Andheri subway
Hindmata junction
Khar subway
Saiwadi junction
Milan subway
Andheri market
Dahisar subway
Marol junction
S v road Malad

- Mumbai police requests Mumbaikars to stay updated through official sources and plan moving out likewise. 

- Waterlogging in  Andheri east, near western express highway metro station

- Heavy rain triggers waterlogging near King's Circle in Mumbai

- IMD predicts intense to very intense spell of rainfall during the next three hours in Mumbai today.

- IMD says: "Mumbai and its sub-urban areas have received extreme rainfall during last 24 hours. Rainfall till 8.30 am today: Thane-28cm, Santacruz-20.1cm, Colaba-13cm. Forecast- Intense to very intense spell of rainfall is very likely during next 3-hours."

- The weather office has issued high tide warning in Mumbai at 12.23 pm today

- Heavy rainfall in Mumbai caused waterlogging at  Hindmata, TT circke, King circle, Sion areas on Sunday.

- Moderate rainfall was seen in the city during Sunday morning.