New Delhi: BJP president JP Nadda launched a blistering attack on Rahul Gandhi on Monday, alleging that the former Congress president is not running any "shop of love" but has opened a "mega shopping mall of hatred".


Addressing an event here, Nadda said that nine years of the Narendra Modi government has transformed the country and its progress is being recognised by the world today."But whenever India sets new records, the 'yuvraj' of Congress, Rahul Gandhi, cannot digest India's pride," he charged.

"On the one hand, he raises questions on the surgical strike, talks about dividing Hindu-Muslim, makes efforts to divide the society, and on the other hand, he says that he is running 'mohabbat ki dukan' (shop of love)...You are not running any 'mohabbat ki dukan'. You have opened 'nafrat ka mega shopping mall'," the BJP president said.

The Congress in its habit of opposing Modi has started opposing the country, he said while addressing an event after releasing a book titled "Amrit Kaal Ki Ore" (towards Amrit Kaal), which is an account of the nine years of the Modi government.

Comparing the Congress-led UPA and the BJP-led NDA's tenures at the Centre, Nadda said there is "a massive difference" between the times before and after 2014 when the Narendra Modi dispensation came at the helm.

"Earlier, people believed that nothing would change and corruption could never be wiped out. Our country was counted as one of the corrupt nations. There was no leadership, intention, or policy," he said.
After people voted for the BJP in 2014 and the NDA government was formed under Prime Minister Modi, Nadda said, India got leadership, policy, and a dispensation with "clean intent" to take the country on the path of progress.

"Unlike policy paralysis in the past, the country saw a government which takes bold decisions. The country's atmosphere changed?political culture changed. The country moved from vote bank politics to report card politics. The country moved away from dynasty to democracy and meritocracy," he added.

The BJP chief said after the NDA under Modi came to power, India emerged as a secured and united country, unlike in the past when nobody knew when terror attacks would take place. "Nobody had thought that Article 370 would be ever abrogated. But, with the people's support, a complete unification of the country was done with the abrogation of Article 370 in 2019," he added.

Nadda said India under Prime Minister Modi is seen as "a bright spot" in the world. "We have set new records in development and also took care of our heritage.A magnificent Ram temple, which is a symbol of Indian culture, is being built (in Ayodhya)," he said, adding the prime minister has "unified" the country.

The country has witnessed empowerment of all sections of society, including women, Dalits, and farmers, as well as economic progress with India emerging as the fifth largest economy in the world in the nine years of the Modi government, Nadda added.

"More than four crore houses with kitchen, gas connection, courtyard, two rooms, and toilets have been built under the PM Awas Yojna. Electricity has been made available to 2.60 crore households under Saubhagya Yojna. Tap water has been made available to 8.80 crore households," he said.

Despite the world witnessing a crisis due to the Covid pandemic and Russia-Ukraine conflict, India's growth rate stands at 6.1 percent, higher than that of the US, the UK, Germany, China, Brazil and other countries, the BJP chief said. "Now, what do I tell the illiterate brothers of Congress...They do not read," Nadda charged.