Union Minister Nitin Gadkari on Tuesday received another death threat via phone call at his Delhi residence Monday evening. The minister's office immediately informed Delhi Police about the threat. The police are investigating the matter. However, the Delhi Police said that the information regarding the death threat call received at Nitin Gadkari's residence was given to the police by the minister's staff. According to reports, the police have verified the details and the probe is underway. 


This is the third time in recent months that Gadkari has received death threats. On January 14, Gadkari had received a threat from unknown callers at his Nagpur residence. Gadkari's office in Nagpur had informed police about the threat and an investigation was launched. The threat calls were received between 11.30 am to 12.30 am.  The caller had allegedly taken Dawood's name.

On the other hand, Nagpur police had already beefed up security around the office and home of Union Minister for Road Transport Nitin Gadkari following extortion-cum-death threats. According to police, a man made at least three calls in March this year as well threatening to harm the Union Minister if Rs 10 crore was not paid to him. The caller identified himself as one Jayesh Pujari, alias Jayesh Kantha, the same person whose name had been used to make similar calls to the Minister's office in January, the police said.