New Delhi: Amid multiple complaints and reports of dog bite incidents in Noida, the officials on Saturday (November 12, 2022) formulated a policy regarding pet animals. As per the guidelines issued by the Noida Authority during its 207th board meeting, pet owners will now have to register their dogs or cats by January 31 next year or they will have to pay a fine. A Rs 10,000 fine will also be imposed in case of any mishap caused due to pet dogs or cats. 


The decision has been taken in accordance with the guidelines of the Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI), Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Noida Authority Ritu Maheshwari said.

Here are new rules for Noida pet dog and cat owners

  • Under the new policy, the owners will have to register their pet dogs or cats by January 31, 2023. A penalty will be imposed in case of non-registration.
  • The sterilization or antirabies vaccination of pet dogs has been made mandatory. In case of violation, a fine of Rs 2,000 will be imposed every month from March 1, 2023.
  • If a pet dog litters in a public place, it will be the responsibility of the owner to clean it.
  • In case of any untoward incident due to a pet dog or a cat, the treatment of an injured person or animal will be the responsibility of the owner of the pet. A Rs 10,000 fine will also be imposed from March 1, 2023.
  • The feeding place in the outdoor area will be marked where necessary and arrangements for food and drink will be made by the feeders/RWA /AOA only.
  • With the consent of RWA/AOA/village residents, a dog shelter shall be constructed for sick or aggressive street dogs whose maintenance will be the responsibility of the concerned RWA/AOA.

Structural audit policy of high-rises in Noida approved

Meanwhile, the Noida Authority board also approved a policy proposal for the structural audit of high-rise buildings in the city. According to an official statement, the policy defines the roles and responsibilities of the builder as well as the residents' association vis-a-vis repair of structures, if found defective during the audit.

The police, which was also approved during the 207th board meeting of the Noida Authority held at its office in Sector 6, would take around a week for it to get implemented due to paperwork at the local level.

There are around 100 high-rise projects in Noida, many of them having multiple towers.