Launching a scathing attack on the BJP, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi today said the saffron party changed its chief ministers in Uttarakhand as they were all corrupt and "replaced one thief with another". Addressing a rally at Manglaur in Haridwar district, Gandhi said that PM Narendra Modi wasted his entire Parliament speech time in making wrong allegations against the Congress. The Congress leader also issued a rebuttal to the Prime Minister on his recent interview with news agency ANI. "Did you watch PM's latest interview? He said - Rahul doesn't listen," the Congress leader said.


"Did you understand what he meant? It meant that ED, CBI pressure doesn't work on Rahul and he does not back down. Why should I listen to him?" Rahul Gandhi added further.

Gandhi said, "Modi said in a an interview recently that I don't listen to him. He was right. I don't listen to him because I am not afraid of him or his CBI and ED." He said the three farm laws were withdrawn only because of the country's farmers and the Congress.

"The Congress alone can fight Modi," he said.

He said the Congress wants a government of the poor and unemployed in Uttarakhand and not that of a "King" who sits in Delhi. Rahil Gandhi said he finds Modi's arrogance amusing. It reflects his arrogance when he says nothing was done in the country in the last 70 years, he said. "Does he mean to say this country was asleep for 70 years and woke up after he came to power? Then how were these roads built, how were these rail lines laid -- by magic? he asked.