NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday (April 3, 2020) appreciated the discipline shown by 130 crore Indians during lockdown to contain the deadly coronavirus pandemic, in his brief video message to the nation. The PM boosted the morale of the countrymen by saying that "no one is alone" in the fight against coronavirus as the strength of 130 crore Indians is with each of us. 


"Today, when crores of people are inside homes, then some of us may think about how they will fight this battle against COVID-19 alone. Such questions might come up in your mind? But please remember, none of us is alone. The strength of 130 crores of Indians is with each one of us," Prime Minister Modi said. 

The PM said the way people in India are fighting the battle against coronavirus is an example for the world. "The way you paid gratitude to people fighting against COVID-19 on March 22, has become a model that is being emulated by other countries. So when the country is fighting such a big battle, one should keep witnessing the power of public as it gives morale, aim, and energy to achieve height and makes the path more clear," he said.

‘’In this dark period, we all need to go ahead towards the light. Those who are most affected by this are the poor and marginalised. To overcome this darkness, we must all unite to spread the light," he said. In his address to the nation on March 24, the Prime Minister had announced a 21-day lockdown in the country to contain the spread of novel coronavirus, which has infected over 2,000 people in the country.

During the last "Mann Ki Baat" on COVID-19 related issue, the Prime Minister had apologised to the countrymen for taking the tough decision of complete lockdown. "My conscience says you will forgive me," he had said. 

However, PM video message evoked mixed reactions from his political opponents and his supporters.

P Chidambaram, Congress 

Dear @narendramodi, We will listen to you and light diyas on April 5. But, in return, please listen to us and to the wise counsel of epidemiologists and economists. Every working man and woman, from business person to daily wage earner, also expected you to announce steps to arrest the economic slide and re-start the engines of economic growth. The people are disappointed on both counts.Symbolism is important, but serious thought to ideas and measures is equally important.''

Prasoon Joshi, Ad filmmaker/poet  

Let’s support PM @narendramodi’s call to fight the darkness of disease and despair by igniting the light of hope in us.Dedicating my poem to this cause #IndiaFightsCorona.

Shashi Tharoor, Congress MP  

Listened to the Pradhan Showman. Nothing about how to ease people’s pain, their burdens, their financial anxieties. No vision of the future or sharing the issues he is weighing in deciding about the post-lockdown. Just a feel-good moment curated by India’s Photo-Op PrimeMinister!

Shandilya Giriraj Singh, BJP MP & Union Minister

जो देश को चाहता है मोदी को चाहता है मोदी के इस आग्रह को स्वीकार करें हिंदुस्तान को चीन ,इटली और अमेरिका नहीं बनने देंगे ।

Piyush Goyal, Union Minister

इस रविवार 5 अप्रैल को हमें मिलकर कोरोना के संकट के अंधकार को चुनौती देनी है, उसे प्रकाश की ताकत का परिचय कराना है। 
5 अप्रैल, रविवार को रात 9 बजे मैं आप सबके 9 मिनट चाहता  हूं: PM @NarendraModi  जी #IndiaFightsCorona

Nirmala Sitharaman, Union Finance Minister

Let’s defeat #Corona together. Let Ma Bharati win. Remember on Sunday, 5 April, give 9 minutes standing out of homes, either in your balcony ..
... or outside the doorway, keep a light in your hand& remember we are all together in this fight. 
Social distancing to be respected. @PMOIndia

Kailash Vijayvargiya, BJP leader

अंधकार से प्रकाश की और!!! प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी की अपील '5 अप्रैल की रात 9 बजे सिर्फ 9 मिनट अपने घरों की बत्तियाँ .....  बंद करके घर की गैलरी या बरामदे में दीपक लगाएं, मोमबत्ती जलाएं या मोबाइल से रोशनी करें!ये 130 करोड़ देशवासियों के एकजुट होने  संकेत होगा। इस समय घर से बाहर न निकलें

Sambit Patra, BJP spoesperson 

5 एप्रिल 2020
रात 9 बजे
घर की बत्ती बंद कर
घर के दहलीज़ या बाल्कनी में 
9 मिनट तक
“आओ मिल के दीप जलाएँ”Fire

Dr. Jitendra Singh, Union Minister

 घर की सभी लाइटें बंद करके, घर के दरवाजे पर या बालकनी में, खड़े रहकर, 9 मिनट के लिए मोमबत्ती, दीया, टॉर्च या मोबाइल की फ्लैशलाइट जलाएं: PM  @narendramodi

Pema Khandu, Arunachal Pradesh CM 

India since ancient times has been a Vishwa Guru - a teacher to the entire world. Under the leadership of Hon’ble PM @narendramodi Ji, India has shown exemplary spirit to fight coronavirus, which today has found applause from the whole world!