Bareilly: BJP leader's wife was shot dead in a clash between Uttar Pradesh’s Moradabad Police and villagers of Bharatpur in Uttarakhand's Udham Singh Nagar district on Wednesday, October 12, 2022, according to a UP Police official. This comes after the UP police raids the residence of a local BJP leader, killing his wife allegedly by a police bullet, leading to villagers confining and thrashing the police team. The police further stated that they are in communication with the Uttarakhand Police Department. Following the event, protests erupted against the matter later in the day. Speaking on the issue, the SSP of Udham Singh Nagar, Manjunath TC, calling the matter sensitive, assured a purely factual and serious investigation.


The incident was reported on Wednesday from Bharatpur village in Kashipur area of Udham Singh Nagar. According to the information, a team of Uttar Pradesh Police in plain clothes arrived here for a raid at the residence of Gurtaj Bhullar, a BJP`s local area Block President, in Bharatpur village under the Kunda police station area on Wednesday evening.

The raid was to nab a wanted dumper driver from Thakurdwara in Uttar Pradesh, who was allegedly hiding at Bhullar`s house. The family of Bhullar opposed the police action and allegedly clashed with them. Their argument went on for half an hour, before it turned violent and saw firing from both the sides. It was alleged that a bullet shot by the Uttar Pradesh Police personnel hit Bhullar`s wife Gurpreet Kaur, who died on the spot.

“This is a sensitive matter. The victim woman's family has given a complaint. Have registered the case. The further probe will be purely based on facts, not only on statements. Forensic, CCTVs to be used for probe,” SSP said.

Speaking to ANI, Additional director general of police, Bareilly, Rajkumar said that a team of police from Uttar Pradesh’s Moradabad district had gone on a search operation for a wanted criminal following which they were taken hostage and fired upon.

"Two of our personnel are critically injured and they are undergoing treatment. We are investigating the matter. We are in contact with the Uttarakhand Police," he said. As per the Uttarakhand Police earlier yesterday, the police had gone there to arrest a criminal carrying reward of Rs 50,000.

(Image Source: ANI Twitter)

Deputy Inspector General of Police Moradabad, Shalabh Mathur said that the weapons of the police team which reached to search for the criminal were seized after they were taken hostage.

"The accused is a wanted criminal carrying a reward of Rs 50,000. He escaped from there (Bharatpur village). When our police team reached, they were taken hostage & their weapons were snatched," the DIG said.

"Our five police personnel got injured and they are undergoing treatment. Uttarkhand police confirmed that a woman has died in this incident," he added.

Moradabad police have registered an FIR invoking several sections of IPC including rioting, harbouring offenders, resisting arrest, attempt to murder, dacoity, causing hurt to public servants and criminal conspiracy. While one accused was booked by name (wanted criminal), 35 unknowns were booked as well. Uttarakhand Police said they will take fair and legal action in this matter.

(With agency inputs)