After the 'Bharat Jodo Yatra' of Congress came to Maharashtra, political leaders, artists and writers also made an effort to meet Rahul Gandhi. After meeting actress Pooja Bhatt, Bollywood actor Sushant Singh also participated in 'Bharat Jodo Yatra'. Speaking from the platform of 'Bharat Jodo Yatra', he targeted the BJP without taking its name. He has criticized the BJP, saying that some people are spreading hatred in the country. But in all these politics of hatred, it is difficult to follow the path of love and he also expressed the opinion that Rahul Gandhi is following the same path.


Stating that Rahul Gandhi has adopted the path of love and unity, he quoted a Hindi saying, 'Pyaar mein sab kuch har jaye toh hi jeet hoti hai...Jeet Jarur Milegi'. Talking about the Bharat Jodo rally, actor Sushant Singh said that at first he thought that this rally was for the Congress party, so the question was whether to go or not. But then he thought that this was a rally for India, and we must participate in it. Sushant Singh also presented a poem by famous poet Kunwar Narayan on this occasion.

While interacting with Rahul Gandhi, Sushant said, "There is a need for victory, but the real need is to fight till the end without losing faith. Because after that we will surely get victory." He also expressed his belief that those who are trying to run this country constitutionally will win. He also said that even if not today, tomorrow would be his victory. He said, "When you face the first snowstorm on your head, then you will find that there is no difference in winning everything and not giving up till the end."

Before actor Sushant Singh participated in the Bharat Jodo Yatra, actress Pooja Bhatt also participated in the rally. After meeting Rahul Gandhi, Sushant Singh tweeted that you have proved once again that you stand firm on your point, don't just talk about it.