Congress leader and Wayanad MP Rahul Gandhi today attacked the BJP and the Modi government over the ongoing anti-encroachment drive in Jammu and Kashmir. Hitting out at the saffron party on Twitter, Rahul Gandhi said that the Union Territory wanted employment, better business and love but instead got the BJP's bulldozer. The authorities have so far retrieved more than 10 lakh kanals (one kanal =605 sq yards) of land across Jammu and Kashmir after the Commissioner Secretary, Revenue department, Vijay Kumar Bidhuri directed all deputy commissioners to ensure 100 per cent removal of encroachments from the state land on January 7, reported PTI.


In a tweet in Hindi, Gandhi said, "Jammu and Kashmir wanted employment, better business and love, but what did they get? BJP's Bulldozer!"

Major political parties such as the Congress, the National Conference, and the PDP have voiced their concerns against the drive and demanded an immediate end to it.

The land which the people nurtured with their hard work for many decades, is being snatched away from them, the former Congress chief said. "Peace and Kashmiriyat will be protected by uniting, not dividing people," he said.

The PDP termed the encroachment removal initiative as a heartless 'homelessness drive'. The party said that the drive is focused on dispossessing the people of J&K. It said that the J&K government is at war with the people.

"I've requested all national Opposition leaders to raise the issue of GOIs demolition drive across J&K against its own people in the garb of ‘reclaiming state land’ from ‘encroachers’. No notices are served & neither do they accept proof of ownership. Simply inhuman & unjust," said Mufti in a tweet dated February 6.