He’s been called a Motorcycle Mystic, Biker Yogi, Guru of Swag, even Style Icon- and he unabashedly lives up to all the monikers. Ever the sport, Sadhguru, Founder-Isha Foundation, bantered with netizens on Twitter in a half hour session titled #AMAwithSadhguru.


The invitation to “Ask Me Anything” was grabbed with gleeful gusto. From “I want to eat your dosa” to “Will we see you in a movie?”, “Have you ever punched anyone?”, “Should I buy crypto-currency?” to the quintessential question on relationships, the questions flew in thick and fast and received lightning responses from Sadhguru causing the hashtag #AMAwithSadhguru to trend at No.1 briefly.

“@SadhguruJV, cool sunglasses. Where can I get them from?” Ishreen wanted to know. Pat came the reply: “You are missing the man. The cool is not in the sunglasses.” If you’ve been following Sadhguru’s 100-day lone motorcycle #JourneyForSoil, you wouldn’t have missed the ubiquitous all-weather sunglasses which he says is an invitation to the Sun to keep shining for the 100-day ride.

To Anupriya Malpani who told Sadhguru, “My husband wants to eat your dosa. Me too…”, he quipped, “Don't ever let that happen. You could lose the man.”

 Vipul Betala would probably not have expected this hilarious reply to his question “Have you ever punched anyone?” “Sorry you are late,” Sadhguru informed him. “I don’t do that anymore.”

He also had a message for his trollers. Anand Haridas asked, “What is the one thing you like most about your trollers?” To which Sadhguru responded “Their commitment to listen to every word I say.” He included a message for them with his response: “But this time around, I beseech them, troll me as much as you want, but please express your concern for Soil”

“Soil” was on the lips of a few of the questioners too. Zoey Duyen Nguyen asked: “I come from a communist country, where citizen's needs are not normally part of the government's agenda, what can I do for Save Soil? How would it make an impact?” Sadhguru repeated what he has been saying all through his journey – “Doesn’t matter where you are from. Raise your voice for #SaveSoil as soil and ecology don’t have national borders. It is a global phenomenon. Be a part of it.”

9-1/2-year-old Adisree wanted to know “When is the estimated time of when all the people in the world are going to know about the soil being important to humans?" Sadhguru told her, “Dear Adisree, it depends on what you are willing to do to make it happen. If yourself and everyone around you is 100%, then we should do it in 100 days as planned.”

Arun Kumar too expressed a somewhat similar sentiment: Why the government cannot understand the importance of soil and act by itself? “Right now Indian government seems to have a good soil policy and work is being done too, it seems. So, it’s a little confusing that what is going to happen extra via our soil movement, Sadhguru? Why the present government can't understand it& act itself?”

Explaining the difference between Intention and Action, Sadhguru responded: “Shift in Intention can happen in a moment but when it comes to action it is a question of pace & pace is determined in a nation by how many people are behind the intent. Stand Up for #SaveSoil to make intentions into reality in a sensible amount of time.”

The live Twitter session began at 2 p.m. and went on for over an hour. Sadhguru, who has completed 40 days of his 100-day lone motorcycle #JourneyForSoil, has reach Central Asia from Europe and is set to begin his ride into the Middle East. Sadhguru launched the global Movement to Save Soil from extinction last month. The Movement is supported by several international and UN bodies. Global leaders and political parties from more than 70 countries around the world have pledged their support to save soil.