New Delhi: Trinamool Congress leader Mahua Moitra has captured significant online attention during campaigning for the Lok Sabha Elections 2024. In a widely circulated video on X, a journalist can be seen asking Moitra about her source of energy during the demanding campaign. From the viral video, the internet reacts negatively to Moitra's alleged response, 'Sex'. However, the viral video is doctored as her response has been tampered, reportedly. The TMC leader replied to the journalist's question by saying, 'Eggs' which is being interpreted as 'sex'. 


However, the journalist clarified on X, stating that Moitra actually said 'Eggs' in response to his question about her morning energy source. The journalist further slammed the doctoring of the audio to sensationalize the incident.

Contesting a re-election from Krishnanagar seat in West Bengal, MP Mahua Moitra is campaigning massively ahead of Lok Sabha Elections. 

In the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, the ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC) secured 22 seats, while the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won 18 out of the 42 parliamentary seats in the state. The Indian National Congress (INC) was limited to only two seats.

The Lok Sabha elections in 42 Parliamentary Constituencies of West Bengal are scheduled to take place in seven phases, which will start on April 19 and conclude on June 1. The counting of votes will be held on June 4.