A research report of global smartphone brand Vivo in association with Cyber ​​Media Research (CMR) says that every Indian is spending 1800 hours of the year on mobile. In CyberMedia Research (CMR) research, more than half of the people have admitted that the addiction to mobile phones has become so bad that they cannot live without it.


The research report was titled ‘Smartphone and their impact on human relationships’, which was done to dive deep into the influence of mobile devices on Indian consumers.

73 percent of people believe that the way the smartphone has grown has affected their mental and physical health. One in four men talked about physical problems with the use of smartphones. Most people have problems with diseases like weak eyesight, watery eyes, headache and insomnia.

Research has revealed that four out of five people say that the phone is the last thing they see before going to bed and they do the same after waking up. 74 percent people said that within 30 minutes of getting up, they first see the phone.

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However, people have recognized that keeping their phones switched off for some time will benefit their health. One in three people in the survey admitted that they could not even talk to their friends and family members for 5 consecutive minutes without checking the phone. 

Three out of five people have also accepted that less use of mobile is necessary to live a happy life.  

This survey has been taken by interacting with people in 8 major cities of the country and by taking feedbacks from people through online platforms. The survey includes 64 percent of men and 36 percent of women who have been interviewed.