Aurangabad: Stones were thrown during a public meeting addressed by Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Aaditya Thackeray in Maharashtra's Aurangabad district on Tuesday evening, a senior party leader claimed. But a police official said there was only sloganeering by two rival groups and no stone-pelting. Three or four stones were hurled in the direction of the meeting in Mahalgaon area when they were leaving, Shiv Sena (Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray) leader and Leader of Opposition in the Maharashtra Legislative Council Ambadas Danve tweeted.


"This is an attempt to create a quarrel between the Hindu and Dalit communities and we condemn it," he added.


Danve also demanded that action should be taken against police officials including the SP for not providing adequate security to Thackeray's event. District Superintendent of Police Maneesh Kalwaniya, however, denied that there was any stone-pelting. There was only sloganeering by two groups, he said.