Suresh Gopi, renowned actor and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate, has secured a significant victory on Kerala's Thrissur Lok Sabha seat, marking a historic milestone for the BJP in the state. This win marks the party's debut in Kerala's electoral landscape. Gopi emerged victorious in a closely contested battle, defeating his closest rival, V.S. Sunil Kumar of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), by a margin of 75,079 votes. According to the Election Commission of India's website, Gopi garnered 409,239 votes, while Sunil Kumar received 331,538 votes. Meanwhile, Muraleedharan of the Congress secured the third position with 322,995 votes.


The triumph of Suresh Gopi on the Thrissur Lok Sabha seat holds immense significance for the BJP, as Thrissur was one of the key battlegrounds where the party had focused its campaign efforts. Prior to this victory, Suresh Gopi had faced defeat in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections and the 2021 state assembly elections from the same constituency.

Who is Suresh Gopi?

Suresh Gopi, aged 65, hails from Alappuzha and is the BJP's candidate for the Thrissur Lok Sabha seat in the 2024 elections. He has three younger brothers - Subhash Gopi, Sunil Gopi,and Sanil Gopi. After completing his primary education in Kollam, Suresh Gopi pursued a B.Sc in Zoology and an M.A in English Literature.

Embarking on his acting journey in 1965, Suresh Gopi has etched his name in the annals of Malayalam cinema with acclaimed performances in movies such as Manichitrathazhu, The Story of Vellara, and Oru CBI Diary Kurippu. His election affidavit categorizes him as a cinema artist by profession. As per his declaration, his total assets amount to ₹18.6 crores, comprising ₹8.9 crores in movable assets and ₹9.7 crores in immovable assets. His total declared income stands at ₹4.6 crores, of which ₹4.4 crores is self-earned. Suresh Gopi has a total debt of ₹1.3 crores.