Twitter India created a major blunder after it showed Jammu and Kashmir as part of the Peoples Republic of China in the timelines on Sunday. The matter came to light while National Security Analyst Nitin Gokhale was making a live video on Twitter near Leh airport. Observer Research Foundation (ORF) chairman Kanchan Gupta noticed the location in his video and raised questions.


Targeting Twitter for the mistake, Gupta said, "So @Twitter has decided to reconfigure geography and declare Jammu & Kashmir as part of People's Republic of #China . If this is not a violation of #India laws, what is? Citizens of India have been punished for far less. But US Big Tech is above the law?"

In another tweet, Gupta said, "No @Twitter this is not a freak happenstance."  She also tagged IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad demanding him to quickly look into the matter. 

Meanwhile, Gokhale who was making the video said,  "This morning, I was live on Twitter along with Rohit Pandita to apprise people of my journey to Ladakh from Himachal Pradesh via a new road. After we finished our broadcast, to our horror, we found that the location we had put of our location of the War Memorial, Hall of Fame - a famous landmark in Leh came as Jammu and Kashmir, the People's Republic of China. I apprised Twitter by tagging them, expecting them to take action, but except for anger from people of India, nothing happened."

Netizens urged Ravi Shankar Prasad to quickly take action against Twitter India.

However, there is no reaction from Twitter India in this matter yet.