New Delhi: Any hedging between good and bad terrorists and undermining consequences of state-sponsored violence and proxy wars can be catastrophic to the region, Afghan Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah said today, in a clear reference to Pakistan.


Abdullah said Afghanistan was thankful to India for building infrastructure, opening trade routes and providing quality education in his country, adding New Delhi's "soft power generosity" was making it a rising world power.

In an address at the Hindustan Times Leadership summit, he said Afghanistan was striving hard to deal with terrorists and attempts of "dark forces" which have threatened its national fabric and identity.

"We are particularly thankful to India's soft power, generosity which ranges from infrastructure building to opening trade routes and providing quality education to our youth. This is why India is a rising world power and not just an emerging regional economy," he said.

India has invested USD 2 billion in aid and reconstruction activities in Afghanistan. Two months back, India had announced 116 new development projects for the war- ravaged country.

Identifying terrorism as a major challenge facing the region, he said Afghanistan was committed to fighting the menace and protecting its people against "Talibanism".

"Any type of hedging that differentiates between good and bad terrorists or fails to look at the linkages that exist between terrorists and extremists outfits or ignores state- sponsored violence and proxy warfares can have catastropic consequences," he said.