Union Minister and BJP leader Babul Supriyo on Monday asked the people to embrace the Hindi language, adding that the statement of Union Home Minister Amit Shah was misinterpreted. The Minister of State (MoS) for Environment, Forest and Climate Change who was the chief guest at a ‘Hindi Divas’ event organised by CRPF West Bengal Sector. 


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While taking a dig at the Trinamool Congress (TMC), Supriyo said, “Trinamool Congress is nothing but trying to politicise this issue. No one is forcibly imposing the Hindi language. Hindi is a language which everyone should embrace. There’s nothing wrong in having it the Hindi language as the second language. We can embrace other languages as the third language too.” He added, “I have heard the entire speech of Union Home Minister Amit Shah. He has not said once that the language will be forcibly imposed anywhere. I don’t think his comments should be misinterpreted.” 

BJP leaders had launched a blistering attack on the TMC after party supremo Mamata Banerjee took to Twitter and said one should not forget the mother tongue. “My best wishes to all on #HindiDiwas. We should respect all languages and cultures equally. We may learn many languages but we should never forget our mother-language,” Banerjee had written on Twitter.