New Delhi: Every year, the Union Public Service Examinations (UPSC) pose a formidable challenge to aspiring civil servants, requiring years of relentless dedication and perseverance to conquer. A shining embodiment of this arduous journey is Vijay Wardhan, whose unwavering determination saw him through 35 failed attempts before finally triumphing as a UPSC IAS officer.


Hailing from Sirsa, Haryana, Vijay's fervent desire to serve his nation ignited during his formative years. He completed his schooling in Sirda and pursued a degree in Electronics Engineering from Hisar. However, his path was strewn with setbacks, prompting him to relocate to Delhi in pursuit of his UPSC dreams. Despite taking on more than 30 competitive exams, including Haryana PSC, UPPSC, and CGL, success remained elusive.

Each failure, instead of deterring him, served as a stepping stone towards his ultimate goal. Vijay's resilience and ability to glean valuable lessons from defeat fueled his relentless pursuit of excellence.

The tide began to turn in 2018 when Vijay clinched success in the UPSC examination, securing an impressive All India Rank of 104 and fulfilling his ambition of becoming an IPS officer. Yet, his thirst for greater accomplishments persisted.

Driven by an insatiable hunger for success, Vijay embarked on another journey to scale new heights. His unwavering determination propelled him to reappear for the UPSC Examination, this time emerging victorious as an IAS officer, a lifelong aspiration realized.

Vijay's saga stands as a testament to the power of resilience and patience in the face of adversity. In sharing his wisdom with aspiring civil servants, he underscores the importance of self-belief and the invaluable lessons that failure imparts.

As the UPSC gears up to administer the exam on May 26, 2024, aspiring candidates are reminded that the window for applications opened on February 14 and will close on March 5. Eligibility criteria stipulate a minimum age of 21 years and a maximum of 32 years for candidates, with relaxations in the upper age limit for those from reserved categories.