New Delhi: Despite facing numerous challenges, he never allowed adversity to hinder his path to success. Today, his achievement as an IAS officer has brought immense pride to his father, who diligently serves as a security guard. Hailing from the town of Bhadrak in Odisha, his father's unwavering dedication to his children's education, coupled with his own determination, has culminated in Atul Singh's remarkable success.


Through relentless effort and unwavering commitment, Atul Singh has clinched an impressive AIR-67 in the UPSC CSE, realizing his dream of becoming an IAS officer. Pawan Kumar Singh, his father, who relocated from Bihar to Odisha and toiled tirelessly as a security guard to ensure his sons received quality education, is now overwhelmed with joy at his son's triumph.

Tears of happiness glisten in his eyes as he reflects on his son's journey, remarking, "My son dedicated himself to studying for 12-14 hours daily, and his success is a testament to his hard work. There is no greater joy for a father than witnessing his child's achievements."

With a profound sense of pride, Pawan embraces his newfound title as the father of an IAS officer. However, he humbly attributes his son's success to his wife's relentless support, acknowledging her sacrifices in managing household responsibilities while nurturing their children's aspirations.

"To ensure a brighter future for his sons, Pawan, alongside his wife, made the pivotal decision to relocate to Bhadrak, Odisha, where he embarked on his journey as a security guard," recounts a colleague. Atul's academic brilliance and perseverance were evident from an early age, with his tenure at Kanpur NIT and subsequent employment at Reliance serving as stepping stones towards his UPSC journey.

Witnessing the sheer delight and pride on his father's face brings immense satisfaction to those around him. His accomplishment serves as a beacon of inspiration, dispelling the notion that only individuals from privileged backgrounds can attain such heights. The principal of the school where Pawan serves as a security guard urges parents to instill the values of dedication and perseverance in their children, emphasizing the importance of guiding them towards a path of excellence from an early age.