New Delhi: It is a very common saying that 'dog is a man's best friend', and time and again, the furry one has proved the proverb right. The latest story backing the above statement has come out from Uttarakhand's Chamoli district which was badly hit by flash floods recently, taking away as many as 35 lives and 204 persons missing.


In this devastated area, a small black Bhutia dog, who was reportedly born at the project site and raised by the workers there has been waiting endlessly for three straight days for men who fed and pet him earlier.

"He must have known that something was wrong. The place was full of strangers who paid no attention to him. We did not know what to do at first. Initially, the rescue workers tried to shoo him away as heavy machinery was brought amid the chaos all around. But he kept coming back to the site," a local resident told Times Of India.

Another local shared, "The dog sits outside the tunnel all day and night waiting for the men he knew. We hope he gets to see them again soon."

The black Bhutia dog is now being fed by people at the site.

The bond between humans and their canine friends has always been special. It is celebrated in various movies like Hachi: A Dog’s Tale, Old Yeller, Lassie, Benji, Eight Below among numerous others.