New Delhi: The Agra wing of Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) is training women in self-defence techniques and on how to protect themselves in the face of danger.


VHP's all-women wing - Durga Vahini - has taken it upon itself to train women in being able to tackle any threat to their lives and/or dignity and has been conducting classes in stick fighting, shooting, Judo and Karate. The participants have been divided into four groups with training in each form of self-defence being given to all in a rotational manner.

The participants say that the classes have instilled a sense of self-confidence in them and now, they do not feel that they are dependent on male members in their families to take care of them each time they step out. " If we ever get stuck somewhere and are alone, we would be able to take ourselves out of danger because our fathers and brothers cannot be omnipresent," said one woman. "Even the women helpline numbers given out by the government cannot send help absolutely immediately. They often don't even take calls and by the time cops do come, something can always go wrong. So, these classes are vital."

While stick fighting, Judo and Karate can indeed help women protect themselves, classes in shooting can cast a doubt because possessing arms and ammunition of any kind requires a license. Bajrang Dal, part of VHP, is facing flak for training youth in MP on how to wield and fire weapons.

(Reporting by: Shobhit Chaturvedi/Zee Media, Agra)