The bypoll for Hamirpur Assembly constituency in Uttar Pradesh, which will decide the electoral fate of nine candidates, is scheduled to take place on Monday. The bypoll will also be held for Dantewada seat in Chhattisgarh, Pala in Kerala and Bhadarghat in Tripura. The process of filing nominations started from August 28 and ended on September 4. The last date for withdrawal of candidature was September 7. According to Election Commission, EVMs and WPATs will be used at all polling stations.


While by-elections in all four Assembly seats would be crucial, all eyes may well be on Hamirpur. The bypoll in Hamirpur has been necessitated following the disqualification of sitting BJP MLA Ashok Kumar Singh Chandel after he was convicted in a murder case. The prominent candidates who are in the fray from this seat are Yuwraj Singh (BJP), Hardeepak Nishad (Congress), Manoj Kumar Prajapati (SP), Naushad Ali (BSP) and Jamal Alam Mansoori (Communist Party of India).

On Saturday (September 21), the Election Commission announced that polling for 11 Assembly seats in Uttar Pradesh which fell vacant as the MLAs from these Assembly constituencies had won the Lok Sabha elections will take place on October 21 and counting will take place on October 24.

The Assembly constituencies which will vote in the bypolls on October 21 are: Gangoh, Rampur, Iglas (SC), Lucknow Cantonment, Govindnagar, Manikpur, Pratapgarh, Zaidpur (SC), Jalalpur, Balha (SC) and Ghosi. The Assembly constituency of Ghosi became vacant after the appointment of sitting MLA Phagu Chauhan as the Governor of Bihar.