New Delhi: Karnataka BJP lawmaker S Muniswamy has sparked a controversy after he yelled at a woman for not wearing a "bindi" during a Women's Day event. Muniswamy, a BJP MP from the Kolar district, slammed the woman for not wearing a "bindi" while her husband is alive.


"Wear a 'Bindi' first. Your husband is alive, isn't he? You have no common sense," he can be heard shouting at a woman vendor after inaugurating a fair on the occasion of Women's Day on Wednesday (March 8, 2023).

Reacting to the remarks, Congress' Karnataka unit said that Muniswamy's "insult is proof of BJP's anti-women policy".

"What right does BJP have to take away women's freedom and decide their dress? On Women's Day, women are insulted and distorted," Karnataka Congress said.