Weather Update: Delhi residents experienced a warm morning on Wednesday, with the minimum temperature recorded at 26.8 degrees Celsius, nearly three degrees higher than usual for this time of year. The weather office has forecasted light rain throughout the day, which is expected to lower the temperature. The India Meteorological Department indicated that the city will have a generally cloudy sky with potential light rain or drizzle. As of 8:30 AM, the humidity level was reported at 84 percent, according to the IMD website. Later in the day, the maximum temperature is expected to reach 36 degrees Celsius.


The India Meteorological Department (IMD) announced on Tuesday that heavy to very heavy rainfall is anticipated in isolated areas of North Interior Karnataka, Coastal Andhra Pradesh, and Yanam on September 24, as well as in Coastal Karnataka on September 24 and 25, and in South Interior Karnataka on September 25.

Additionally, fairly widespread to widespread light to moderate rainfall is forecasted for Konkan & Goa, the Gujarat region, Madhya Maharashtra, and Marathwada over the next three days. Following this period, scattered to fairly widespread light to moderate rainfall is expected for the next four days across the region, with similar rainfall predicted for Saurashtra & Kutch throughout the week. There is also a likelihood of isolated heavy to very heavy rainfall, along with thunderstorms, lightning, and gusty winds on September 25.

In Vidarbha and Chhattisgarh, fairly widespread to widespread light to moderate rainfall is expected over the next three days, with scattered to fairly widespread light to moderate rainfall anticipated over the subsequent four days. Similar rainfall is also predicted for Madhya Pradesh throughout the week. Over the next seven days, fairly widespread to widespread light to moderate rainfall is expected across Northeast India and Sub-Himalayan West Bengal and Sikkim.