Telangana: Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao slammed Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday. Taking a dig at PM Modi, he accused him of threatening that the former will topple his government. He also asked PM Modi if the latter would pull down the TRS government as it questions his policy.


"When we questioned the Centre, the Prime Minister himself said KCR we will topple your government. What does this mean? Have we not got elected like you? Why do you want to topple?" asked the chief minister.

The Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) president asked these questions while addressing a public meeting in Mahabubnagar district.

"Can a Prime Minister speak like this? Is buying MLAs a democratic policy? When some thieves came to Hyderabad to lure the TRS MLAs, create instability and topple our government, we caught and put them in jail," said KCR. He was referring to recent arrest of three alleged agents of BJP.

KCR also claimed that the government is hampering the development of Telangana as they are not releasing the funds. "The inefficient central government neither works nor allows others to work," he said.

While talking about the progress in Telangana during last eight years, he claimed that due to PM Modi government’s wrong policies, Telangana suffered a loss of Rs 3 lakh crore.

"Telangana in this short span of time increased its GSDP manifold and if the Centre had also performed at par with Telangana, the GSDP would have been higher by another Rs 3 lakh crore," he said.

He also reminded that the Modi government, even after 8 years, has still not decided the share of Telangana in Krishna river water.

The chief minister, while mentioning Telangana`s achievements in eight years, said that his government’s efforts led the state to overcome electricity shortage. KCR said “he also fulfilled the promise of providing drinking water to every house by completing Mission Bhagiratha.”

"The district has now become an industrial hub. An IT centre has come up. A food park is being set up on 300 acres. An urban park has come up on 200 acre. The district will also get Rs 9,500 crore investment with the setting up of a battery factory," he said.