NEW DELHI: The Delhi High Court has directed the police to ensure protection to a woman, residing in south Delhi's Jamia Nagar, who was allegedly disrobed and molested in public by land mafia goons as she owned a piece of land in the area.


Justice Rajiv Shakdher passed the order on the woman's plea alleging that the police instead of taking action against the perpetrators had approached her to settle the matter.

While ordering her protection, the court said a senior woman police officer should investigate the case and also asked the Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) to look into her grievance.

The woman, in her plea, further contended that no protection was provided to her despite two earlier orders, of April and August 2017, of the high court to ensure her safety and security.

In her petition, filed through advocate Kamlesh Kumar Mishra, the woman claimed that on February 23, around 20-25 people illegally entered her house and not only attempted to rape her but also disrobed and molested her and seriously injured her husband.

Her young daughters have also been threatened, the petition claimed and alleged that the police was urging her to settle the matter.

The plea also said she was forced to move the high court as her complaints to the DCW and the Commissioner of Delhi Police did not elicit any response.

The woman also said that she apprehends that "the police was trying in every way to help and assist the conspirators" so that they can illegally grab her land.