San Francisco: Google Calandar has got some cool new features that will improve your work schedule. The new features will be available to users of all G suite editions within two weeks.


"We’re introducing a new out of office option and customizable working hours to further improve your digital well-being," the G suite team wrote in a blog post late on Wednesday.

Google Calendar will now be able to automatically decline meetings that would occur during "out of office" period. Users will also have the chioce to customise the "decline message."

Google Calendar will automatically decline meetings that occur during this time period. You can customize both the decline message as well as the visibility of the title of your out of office object, the blog said.

By setting your working hours, you protect your personal time from your work time. Based on your timezone and past scheduling patterns, Google Calendar can now infer your working hours.

"You can already set your working hours to one interval for all days of the week. With this launch, you can now customize your work hours for each day separately," the post added.