San Francisco: In a bid to show what people are talking about on the social network, micro-blogging website Twitter is testing a new feature wherein users` will see a list of current events at the top of their timelines.


"The new feature includes a label that reads `happening now`, and is a carousel of small Twitter cards, each representing a different current event or conversation happening on Twitter," tech website reported on Tuesday.

Users can scroll left or right through the cards, and when they click on one, they will be taken to a tweet`s timeline focused on that event.

Last month, Twitter rolled out a new feature to Direct Messages (DMs) that will now filter DMs from unknown followers.

DMs from people you do not know will be contained in "Requests" in the new Messages tab inbox in Twitter on iOS, Android and will soon be available on

With this new card, Twitter aims at helping businesses drive discovery of such experiences -- both through Promoted Tweets and organic sharing.